Saturday, May 30, 2009

Workout for today

Your food and exercise history...

Total Cal: 0
Total Fat: 0
Total Protein: 0
Cal burned exer: 657
Calorie balance: -3659
A negative balance indicates that you will likely lose weight

>5 min Aerobic Dancing, moderate
>5 min Boxing
>5 min Housework
>10 min Yoga
>5 min Soccer
>5 min Playing with Kids
>20 min Children's Games


Total Cal: 0
Total Fat: 0
Total Protein: 0
Cal burned exer: 1495
Calorie balance: -4497
A negative balance indicates that you will likely lose weight

>30 min Shopping, groceries, clothes
>20 min Walking, moderate
>15 min Children's Games
>180 min Housework


Total Cal: 0
Total Fat: 0
Total Protein: 0
Cal burned exer: 0
Calorie balance: -3002
A negative balance indicates that you will likely lose weight

[No food]

[No exercises]


Total Cal: 0
Total Fat: 0
Total Protein: 0
Cal burned exer: 2073
Calorie balance: -5075
A negative balance indicates that you will likely lose weight

>5 min Boxing
>5 min Elliptical Trainer, light
>5 min Manual Labor, light
>5 min Rowing, light
>30 min Shopping, groceries, clothes
>15 min Yoga
>15 min Walking, moderate
>30 min Aerobic Dancing, heavy
>30 min Aerobic Dancing, heavy


Friday, May 29, 2009

Quarter for your thoughts

Well i am collecting quarters i would be willing to send a little gitfy for a quarter listed below :) just let me know if your interested or if you want an alaska quarter
i am missing
north dakota

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Featuring Etsy Seller kochansky

Featuring Etsy Seller Hushmouse

Buy Handmade

Tonights Fabric Score

Just thought id share this awesome fabrics
any ideas on what to do with it?

Tuesday, May 26, 2009


I am late in sending in my job search to my case worker UGH
this job searching is such a pain in the ass!

I am thinking about starting to collect moocards they are so Vivid and well the ones i want are cute (blythe)
And the pictures my bother takes of my blythes are so professional looking here are the ones i have collected so far :)

Yeah these are awesome :)

Talk to you soon most likely once i get my mail! Yay mail today!

Monday, May 25, 2009

Diet Phone APP

I just found a pretty cool app for my phone its diet fitness diary for BREW pretty cool i can update it from my bed :P before i go to bed everynight and have it emailed to myself and then copy and paste it here i could have it emailed to here as well but i like to clean it up a bit first so here is my first post from there for the past few days :)

Your skynetMD Diet Fitness Diary Profile:
Weight: ***
Height: 5'2"
Age: 24
Your daily req'd Cal: 3002

Your food and exercise history...

Cal burned exer: 657
Calorie balance: -3659
A negative balance indicates that you will likely lose weight

>5 min Aerobic Dancing, moderate
>5 min Boxing
>5 min Housework
>10 min Yoga
>5 min Soccer
>5 min Playing with Kids
>20 min Children's Games


Cal burned exer: 1495
Calorie balance: -4497
A negative balance indicates that you will likely lose weight

>30 min Shopping, groceries, clothes
>20 min Walking, moderate
>15 min Children's Games
>180 min Housework

Sunday, May 24, 2009


Yeah while i was on the floor cleaning i sat on a stick pin! I accually had to pull it out of my butt cheek! Anyways i am currently Looking for a tut for making a magazine holder for my bathroom any ideas? otherwise il make my own no biggie i am also trying to find a good recipe for no yeast cinnamon roll/buns.

I Love Double Bass Petals

In honor of me Loving them here are some Videos

Dont want if you do not like Heavy Metal

Have a Great Summer!!

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Workout day 3 & 5

Well i worked out day before yesterday while i was at moms like i blogged i did 31 minutes then i skipped a day beacuse thier wii cord wasent working and now tonight i decided to change it up and did 1 hour of Dance Dance Revolution It was great i feel more worked out then with wii fit i think if i can keep borrowing the ddr from my mom then i will switch it up each night :) wish me luck :) thanks for reading!

Thursday, May 21, 2009

BUST Tutorials

Just found another link for BUST tutorials go check them out!


i just found the most AWESOME free calendar from BUST featuring Amy Poehler

Check it out!

Yay me

Yes yay me day #2 of workout
I did another 30 minutes plus and extra 1 :)
Unlocked a bunch of new things and Damn i feel good :)
Thinking about going to bed
Night all

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Congrats me!

Yes yay me
I worked out for 30 Wii Minutes
I am Proud
I will do what i need to do to become a better me
I will do what it takes to be the best mom for my daughter
And to do that i need to Loose wieght to live longer
to be there for her.

And who doesnt want to have a hot bod?

My Goal back to a true size 12

The Ten Hottest Fat Celebrities

Angelina Jolie Watches Child Soldiers Trial in Netherlands

Angelina Jolie Watches Child Soldiers Trial in Netherlands

Posted using ShareThis

Monday, May 18, 2009

A Sad Week

Accually Sunday I sold my 2 Pullips to my mom,

and my first blythe ever on ebay

So now i am down to 2 Blythes I have my Honey bunny once more customized As seen here

And my cousin Olivia Seen with the pullips above
so now i am thinking of buying a new blythe
seen a couple i love
like adorable audrey so cute!
which one should i get?

Friday, May 15, 2009

2 Blythes for sale

Please go check them out if you are interested!

Item #250424984088 - Honey Bunny blythe Custom

Item #250424977330 - Piccadilly Dolly Blythe Custom

Movies of the night

Normal Adolecent Behavior *****
Dying to dance ****
Sybil *****
Justice for Annie ***


Send "Let It Rain" Ringtone to your Cell

"Let It Rain"

Super automatic pilot motor running down circles in the parking lot
Self-sustaining system bit her in the neck and quick and kissed her and took all she got
Did you come here to dance?
Whats in your glass?
Do you feel better?

Let it rain, Let it pour
Let it rain, Let it pour
Hallelujah, Hallelujah
Let it rain, Let it pour

Cruise-control distressed, her kind of cursed and kind of blessed her, engine running on the fume
Vision blue and blurry, falling angels in a flurry, spinning thru the empty room
Did you come here to dance?
Whats in your glass?
Do you feel better now?

Let it rain, Let it pour
Let it rain, Let it pour
Hallelujah, Hallelujah
Let it rain, Let it pour

Super automatic pilot motor running down circles in the parking lot
Self-sustaining system bit her in the neck and quick and kissed her and took all she got

Let it rain (Hallelujah), Let it pour
Let it rain (Hallelujah), Let it pour
Let it pour (Hallelujah)
Let it pour (Hallelujah)
Let it pour

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Craft Stuff for trade

Stuff I have for trade

Pick One!

Surgical Masks (Adult or Child:Girl) (Not Shown Below just Example)

Zipper Pouch (Not Shown Below just Example)

Tote Bag
Random just a handmade tote :)

6 Wax Tarts (Not Shown Below just Example)

1 Bar Homeade Soap (Not Shown Below just Example)

Large Size Fabric Bucket (Not Shown Below just Example)


Small-Medium Fabric Bucket

Jewelry (Pick 2 pieces of jewlery not whole photos)

Blythe/Pullip/Doll Sweets handmade (pick 4 things in photo)

Kawaii Stationary Grab Bag
No pic at the moment

Small Collection of Acorns To craft with

Filled Matchbox (random not shown)

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

My Package from FAP On craftster

I got my package from princesspimp on craftster today
here it is :) i loved it

Blythe Matchbox

My Package from ardentcurse on Swapbot for the blythe matchbox swap :)

Bubble Blowing Skirt and Top GIVEAWAY!!!!

Bubble Blowing Skirt and Top GIVEAWAY!!!!

My Birthday Cake Adventures 5/8/09

Here is the 3 Layer Peace sign cake i made for my moms birthday

Todays Tutorial Finds

Here are some awesome Tuts i found exploring today I am also thinking of making a list on the side bar of my favorite tuts Id love to share :) i will also post pictures once i get around to making these enjoy!

Triple Irish Flower quilt

Quilted bowl

Monday, May 11, 2009

Inspiration for my next little Poem....

If I. By Shantessa Knutson

If I bought the Tablature's
I would have to by a Electric Guitar
If i bought a electric guitar i would have to buy a bigger amp
If i had to buy a bigger amp i would have to buy a new apartment
if i had to buy a new apartment i would just buy a trailer
if i had to buy a trailer i would have to find a band
If i found a band i would have to ROCK

Happy Mothers Day!!

All you hot Mommys out there
Happy Mothers Day!
We are Among the best people ever made!

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Queen Nerd

Just some of my game info

(81 Human Warrior) Vicana The Bloody Fist Princess


Basic Triggers for All Classes
Ooc-out of caracter
Reroll- out of jail
Follow (person)
donate dice write cast cash cook
hone catchup circle pray pack unpack
fish camp finger charge auction balance
buy channels relevel deposit duel elist
exits exorcise get group gallop inventory
ignore kill killcount kc look lore
glance clan clantalk ct cls clear
music math tell telepath throw mount
tether untether dismount dismiss tame order
practice estimate rest redirect sit stand
stalk unlock wield withdraw affects areas
bet bug build coax commands compare
consider count create credits equipment examine
help info motd read report repertoire
rules score scan skills socials show
spells song songs chant chants prayers
stock unstock hire showstats story time
typo weather who whois wizlist worth
alias autolist autoassist autobutcher autoexit autogold
autoloot autoreturn autosac autosplit brief combine
compact color description delete nofollow assassinate
noloot nosummon call outfit password prompt
scroll title unalias wimpy afk answer
anonymous deaf emote email desecrate pmote
gossip ooc grats gtell rpnote news
poetry oocnote changes idea pose quiet
reply replay layhands say sanctify disperse
shout shriek unread yell brew scribe
bounty brandish close drag drink drive
drop eat envenom fill give heal
hold list lock open pick doorbash
db cw clanwar pour put push
pull press quaff recite remove disrobe
sell take sacrifice sail paddle row
value wear zap backstab sap knock
feign prevent dive toss art strike
whirlwind fists bandage mix repulse tempt
falconry deliver fire fear pounce disorient
carve attach reel bait noblink peek
superduel illusion eviscerate uppercut kai bash
berserk dirt disarm flee kick trip
tripwire conceal butcher trample enter board
climb scale entangle tug ring shove
smash sing play compose jump crawl
descend follow gain hide camouflage quit
recall battlecry save defect disband sleep
sneak stable retrieve split steal swap
sweep palm plan plant pat topfishers
train track visible land mask fly
wake where version forage purge zonepurge
retreat ocopy mcopy rcopy edit asave
alist rlist olist mlist resets aresets
sword invoke reroll reincarnate killable arena
pk consent suck damage aggression leeching
draw embalm corrupt feast hellbreath unsummon
rant familiar undeadscore undeadgain puppet defile
despoil contaminate flame startdouble contribute flare
quest question lightningbreathswoop poll sayto
whisper gemote gpmote bubble spear locate
find swim transform paddle opurge chop
stop mill release binder deck appraise
cardduel ante cardkill closestore openstore install
disarmtrap cardcount present warptouch madrush coma
vanish persuade maddance firedance escape noswitch
flick shuffle lucky throw friend friendscore box
friendname friendxp dig revert befriend shillelagh
shapechange with
3w from square is to the bank
Score-what I have
Equip-stuff I am wearing
Get (thing)
When in water wear the fideal

Pattern= sends you sprawling

Command= wake

Pattern= trips you

Command= wake

Pattern= both feet in your chest!

Command= wake

Pattern= charge sends you to the ground!

Command= wake

Pattern= is DEAD!!

Command= look;save

Pattern= A pile of Silver coins.

Command= get coins;get coins

Warrior Triggers

Pattern= ~[OOC~]

Command= #cap ooc

Pattern= %1 says

Command= #cap say

Pattern= %1 tells you

Command= #cap tell

Pattern= tells the group

Command= #cap group

Pattern= You have (%d) gold, (%d) silver, and (%d) experience ~((%d) exp to level~).

Command= #MATH TNL (%4-%3)
#SH %format( 3, %eval( %float( %3)/%4))

Pattern= tells the group 'bash'

Command= bash

Pattern= Verlayne beckons for you to follow.

Command= follow Verlayne

Pattern= butchers the corpse

Command= get meat;eat meat

Pattern= you are too full

Command= drop all.meat

Pattern= your dry throat

Command= drink dec;drink dec

Pattern= it is already empty

Command= put dec back;drink dec

Pattern= You can't drink from that.

Command= tell verlayne all my decanters are empty please make a spring.

Pattern= a magical spring flows from the ground.

Command= get all.dec back;drink;drink;fill dec;fill 2.dec;fill 3.dec;fill 4.dec;fill 5.dec

Pattern= You feel less righteous.

Command= gt bless

Friday, May 8, 2009

Zombuki Valley for VOTD

Zombuki Valley for VOTD
Originally uploaded by pbrigitte

Do you love blythes and pullips? Do you love Blythes and pullips that dont look normal?
You HAVE to go check these out they are GORGEOUS!
But Dont take my word for it! (i feel like That guy from reading rainbow lol)

Redoubt still huffing and puffing, threatening to blow soon

by Channel 2 News staff
Tuesday, May 5, 2009

ANCHORAGE, Alaska -- Shortly before 10 p.m. Tuesday seismic activity at Mount Redoubt intensified from discrete, repeating events to continuous tremor, according to the Alaska Volcano Observatory. Small ash bursts sent ash to 12,000 feet above sea level.

Once-clear webcam views of the volcano were obscured by those ash bursts for about an hour, but by 11:20 the image had cleared somewhat. A large plume could be seen rising above the crater before the cameras went dark.

Geophysicist John Power says shallow earthquake activity under the growing lava dome has been increasing at the volcano since Saturday.

Similar seismic activity was observed before eruptions this year and during the volcano's last major active period in 1989-90.

Mount Redoubt had its last explosive event April 4, sending an ash plume more than 8 miles into the air and dropping gritty ash on Kenai Peninsula communities.

The alert remained at orange as of midnight. will send out alerts as events warrant.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Awesome Vegan Sushi Recipe

I Have to link this to share with my mom and remember to get the products next month whilst i am at the store :)
Go check it out!
Looks yummy

Todays Package and Projects

I got a ton of packages picked up by the postman today so there some monkeys off my back :)
I also got a Aweosme LOTR package from pinkleo off craftster freaking awesome

Blew my mind!
I got a wonderful Mythril Shawl I Adore it!! its so long it must have taken forever to make
A J.R.R Tolkien Book box
Freaking amazing i love this so much i love boxes and this one looks like a book so pretty too
Leaf Broach Tote bag
I am so glad i got a tote and this one is so pretty to
funny i sent her one she sent me one :)
The eye of Sauron Necklace
I love this so beautiful
A Smaug Bookmark

Thanks so much pinkleo i love everything and i am so glad to see you loved what i sent you as well :)


Here is my projects of the day
I made some masks for my daughter since our volcano is threating to blow bigger than last time
and the flu going around not so much up here but still
here are the patterns i made for them

and here is the finished product
I didnt use a tut or anything for them they were really simple
I just used felt or several layers of cloth between the 2 fashion fabrics :)

What Twilight Character are you?

I cant Believe i went through all the crap to get to this badge!
Its awesome though

Twilight Quiz
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